Monday, 21 October 2013

Digital - nil, traditional 1!!

Bummer dudes!

I lost an entire book (28 pages) worth of thumbnails when I tried to re-set some page sizes in Manga Studio last Thursday night.

I think I can go off memory but  this has really upset my apple cart in the digital vs traditional battle.

The new one thing I love about traditional is that it can't be erased due to operator stupidity... page 1 below. 

Anyways, lesson learned, back up the file BEFORE you attempt to change anything and for me anyway, I will be pencilling the rest of the book before scanning it so I have originals to refer to!!!

In other exciting news, Nowra now has an art gallery display place called Squid Studio!!

Locals can like it here:

They have drawing nights and everything, very cool.

I am thinking I will try and launch 'A Brigand's Tale' there once it is complete!

Another local who will be exhibiting at Squid in December this year is one of my fave's the Heroic Master of Pens (I call him HMOP for short, and at other times, Tom).

He is truly heroic as he works only in ink, no pencils or rubbing out, check out his blog for some more cool stuff!

As always, any comments or questions on this topic or my comic stuff are welcome...

Next time: Creating Maquettes for reference - a new experience

Follow me on twitter: @TheDanTribe
All artwork is copyright their respective creators.